Only $736 Per Month!As Low as $736 Per Month! *Finance Incentive Included2025 Yamaha Boats 222XD
Wakesurf Fun Meets Advanced TechnologyThe 222XD is a powerhouse of versatility and performance, delivering exhilarating wakesurfing experiences and unmatched low-speed handling control.
Features may include:
COCKPIT AND BOWSnap-In Custom Cut Marine-Grade MatSki LockerRemovable Dinette Tables with Pedestal Mounts at Cockpit and Stern (feat. Marine Mat)Bow Filler Inserts for Multiple Seating ConfigurationsHinged Seat CushionsTilt SteeringUpgraded Steering WheelUpgraded UpholsteryChil-Cool Vinyl UpholsteryAdjustable Captain's chair with Flip-Up BolsterPassenger-side Captain's ChairPortside Entertainment AreaLockable Passenger Side Glove BoxWalk-through Bow DoorIntegrated Removable CoolerDocking LightsCourtesy Deck LightingCourtesy Tower LightingDedicated Anchor and Rope LockerBow Reboarding LadderUpgraded Aluminum Handles & AccentsCockpit Drainage System (CDS)LED Accent LightingSternIntegrated Swim PlatformUpholstered Cushioned SeatsUpholstered Cushioned Backrests w/ Storage12-volt OutletStainless Steel Telescopic Reboarding LadderCustom Cut Marine-Grade MatDinette Table MountStern (Wet) StorageTechnicalDRiVEConnext Screen (in) 12.3Display w/ MapsYamaha E-Series FeaturesDrive-By-Wire TechnologyHelm Switch Panels Blue LED LitWireless Charging Points 2Marine Speakers 7Tower Speakers 2Stern Stereo RemoteStern Speakers3 position "No Wake Mode" ControlCruise AssistBattery Setup DualQuiet Cruise TechnologyIntegrated Ballast SystemToe-in Jet Nozzle PositionIntegrated Electric WakeBoosterArticulating Keel SystemUnderwater LightEngines and DrivelineDisplacement (per engine) 1898ccFuel Capacity 70 GALRecommended Fuel Regular Unleaded155 MM High-Pressure PumpPump Clean-out PortsOil Capacity per Engine (L) 3.7ExteriorStainless Steel Bow RailsStainless Steel Pop-Up Cleats 6Tow HookBiminiTM TopAluminum Folding Wakeboard Tower with Tow HookWakeboard RacksWindshield MirrorYamaha Wake-enhancing HullTrailerPainted Trailer with Swing-away TongueSpare Tire and Mount