Any questions or for a on the farm or ranch visit get a hold of Darren at 701-833-2710 or email me at I am licensed and bonded in North and South Dakota. I do a weekly market report on Facebook at Darren C Johnson Bismarck, ND. Servicing a 7-state area. If you are interested in Consigning cattle to Aberdeen, SD here are the prices. Bred cow sale Monday, December 23. Low commission rates
12-16-2024 Market report feeder cattle full steady
MIX STR 445lbs. $352.50 $1568
BLK STR 520lbs. $357 $1856
BLK STR 611lbs. $318 $1942
RED STR 787lbs. $281 $2221
BLK HFR 540lbs. $316 $1706
BWF HFR 617lbs. $307 $1863
BLK HFR 713bs. $257 $1832
BLK HFR 841lbs. $266 $2237 yearling
Fat Cows $1.28 to $1.35 6 weigh up buyers at the sale each week